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Wilpinjong Mine

Approvals, Plans & Reports

Wilpinjong Environmental Impact Statement

Project Overview

Volume 1
Volume 1
Volume 1 Table of Contents
Volume 1 Executive Summary
Volume 1 Attachment One
Volume 1 Section One
Volume 1 Section Two
Volume 1 Section Three
Volume 1 Section Four
Volume 1 Section Five
Volume 1 Section Six
Volume 1 Section Seven
Volume 1 Section Eight

Volume 2
Volume 2
Volume 2 Appendix A
Volume 2 Appendix B
Volume 2 Appendix C
Volume 2 Appendix D Part 1
Volume 2 Appendix D Part 2
Volume 2 Appendix E

Volume 3
Volume 3
Volume 3 Appendix F
Volume 3 Appendix G

Volume 4
Volume 4 Appendix HA Flora Assessment
Volume 4 Appendix HB Terristrial Fauna Assessment
Volume 4 HC Bat Fauna Assessment
Volume 4 HD Aquatic Ecosystem Assessment
Volume 4 HE Eight Part Test of Significance

Volume 5
Volume 5
Volume 5 Appendix I
Volume 5 Appendix J
Volume 5 Appendix K
Volume 5 Appendix L
Volume 5 Appendix M
Volume 5 Appendix N
Volume 5 Appendix O

Wilpinjong Coal Mine - Modification 1 
Wilpinjong Coal Mine - Modification 3

Wilpinjong Coal Mine - Modification 4

Wilpinjong Environmental Impact Statement

Project Overview

Volume 1
Volume 1
Volume 1 Table of Contents
Volume 1 Executive Summary
Volume 1 Attachment One
Volume 1 Section One
Volume 1 Section Two
Volume 1 Section Three
Volume 1 Section Four
Volume 1 Section Five
Volume 1 Section Six
Volume 1 Section Seven
Volume 1 Section Eight

Volume 2
Volume 2
Volume 2 Appendix A
Volume 2 Appendix B
Volume 2 Appendix C
Volume 2 Appendix D Part 1
Volume 2 Appendix D Part 2
Volume 2 Appendix E

Volume 3
Volume 3
Volume 3 Appendix F
Volume 3 Appendix G

Volume 4
Volume 4 Appendix HA Flora Assessment
Volume 4 Appendix HB Terristrial Fauna Assessment
Volume 4 HC Bat Fauna Assessment
Volume 4 HD Aquatic Ecosystem Assessment
Volume 4 HE Eight Part Test of Significance

Volume 5
Volume 5
Volume 5 Appendix I
Volume 5 Appendix J
Volume 5 Appendix K
Volume 5 Appendix L
Volume 5 Appendix M
Volume 5 Appendix N
Volume 5 Appendix O

Wilpinjong Coal Mine - Modification 5

Wilpinjong Coal – s75W Modification (Mod 5 - Approved)

Executive Summary
Main Text
Attachment 1 - Project Approval
Attachment 2 - Community Information
Appendix A - Noise and Blasting Impact Assessment
Appendix B - Air Quality Assessment
Appendix C - Groundwater Assessment
Appendix D - Surface Water Assessment
Appendix E - Terrestrial Flora Assessment
Appendix F - Terrestrial Fauna Assessment - Main Text
Appendix F - Terrestrial Fauna Assessment Appendices A and B
Appendix F - Terrestrial Fauna Assessment Appendices C and D
Appendix G - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Main Text
Appendix G - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Appendices 1 to 2
Appendix G - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Appendix 3
Appendix G - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Appendices 4 and 5
Appendix H - Road Transport Assessment
Appendix I - Agricultural Resource Assessment
Appendix J - Socio-Economic Assessment

Wilpinjong Coal Mine - Modification 6

Wilpinjong Coal – Modification 6 - Approved

Project Approval Mod 6

Executive Summary
Main Text
Attachment 1 - Consolidated Project Approval
Appendix A - Noise and Blasting Impact Assessment
Appendix B - Air Quality Impact Assessment
Appendix C - Groundwater Assessment
Appendix D - Surface Water Assessment 

Wilpinjong Coal Mine - Modification 7

Wilpinjong Coal – Modification 7 - Approved

Modification 7 Submission

Notice of Modification

Wilpinjong Extension Project - Environmental Impact Statement

Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Project Description
Section 3 - Consultation and Community Initiatives
Section 4 - Environmental Assessment
Section 5 - Rehabilitation Strategy
Section 6 - Planning Framework and Project Justification
Section 7 - Summary of Management, Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting
Section 8 - References
Section 9 - Abbreviations, Acronyms and Glossary

Appendix A - Noise and Blasting Assessment
Appendix B - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Assessment
Appendix C - Groundwater Assessment
Appendix D - Surface Water Assessment
Appendix E - Biodiversity Assessment Report and Biodiversity Offset Strategy
Appendix F - Aquatic Ecology Assessment
Appendix G - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment part 1
Appendix G - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment part 2 - A
Appendix G - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment part 2 - B
Appendix G - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment part 3
Appendix G - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment part 4
Appendix H - Historical Heritage Assessment
Appendix I - Land and Soil Assessment
Appendix J - Road Transport Assessment
Appendix K - Geochemistry Assessment
Appendix L - Land Contamination Assessment
Appendix M - Economic Assessment
Appendix N - Social Impact Assessment
Appendix O - Visual Assessment
Appendix P - Environmental Risk Assessment
Appendix Q - Preliminary Hazard Analysis

Attachment 1 - Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements
Attachment 2 - Matters of National Environmental Significance Cross Reference Table
Attachment 3 - Development Application Area and Real Property Descriptions
Attachment 4 - Peer Review Letters
Attachment 5 - Planning Instruments Addendum
Attachment 6 - Aquifer Interference Policy Considerations and Water Licensing Addendum
Attachment 7 - Capital Investment Value Estimate Report
Attachment 8 - Geotechnical Advice
Attachment 9 - Community Information
Attachment 10 - Site Verification Certificate
Attachment 11 - Relevant Division of Resources and Energy Correspondence
Attachment 12 - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Additional Assessment Information WEP EIS Response to Submissions

Fact Sheet 1
Fact Sheet 2
Fact Sheet 3

For more information on the Wilpinjong Coal Mine - Extension Project, visit the NSW Government Planning and Environment web site.




EPL Monthly Report February 2013
EPL Monthly Report March 2013
EPL Monthly Report April 2013
EPL Monthly Report May 2013
EPL Monthly Report June 2013
EPL Monthly Report July 2013
EPL Monthly Report August 2013
EPL Monthly Report September 2013
EPL Monthly Report October 2013
EPL Monthly Report November 2013
EPL Monthly Report December 2013


EPL Monthly Report January 2014
EPL Monthly Report February 2014
EPL Monthly Report March 2014
EPL Monthly Report April 2014
EPL Monthly Report May 2014
EPL Monthly Report June 2014
EPL Monthly Report July 2014
EPL Monthly Report August 2014
EPL Monthly Report September 2014
EPL Monthly Report October 2014
EPL Monthly Report November 2014
EPL Monthly Report December 2014


EPL Monthly Report January 2015
EPL Monthly Report February 2015
EPL Monthly Report March 2015
EPL Monthly Report April 2015 
EPL Monthly Report May 2015  
EPL Monthly Report June 2015 
EPL Monthly Report July 2015
EPL Monthly Report August 2015
EPL Monthly Report September 2015
EPL Monthly Report October 2015
EPL Monthly Report November 2015
EPL Monthly Report December 2015


EPL Monthly Report January 2016
EPL Monthly Report February 2016
EPL Monthly Report March 2016
EPL Monthly Report April 2016
EPL Monthly Report May 2016
EPL Monthly Report June 2016
EPL Monthly Report July 2016
EPL Monthly Report August 2016
EPL Monthly Report September 2016
EPL Monthly Report October 2016
EPL Monthly Report November 2016
EPL Monthly Report December 2016


EPL Monthly Report January 2017
EPL Monthly Report February 2017
EPL Monthly Report March 2017
EPL Monthly Report April 2017
EPL Monthly Report May 2017
EPL Monthly Report June 2017
EPL Monthly Report July 2017
EPL Monthly Report August 2017
EPL Monthly Report September 2017
EPL Monthly Report October 2017
EPL Monthly Report November 2017
EPL Monthly Report December 2017


EPL Monthly Report January 2018
EPL Monthly Report February 2018
EPL Monthly Report March 2018
EPL Monthly Report April 2018
EPL Monthly Report May 2018
EPL Monthly Report June 2018
EPL Monthly Report July 2018
EPL Monthly Report August 2018
EPL Monthly Report September 2018
EPL Monthly Report October 2018
EPL Monthly Report November 2018
EPL Monthly Report December 2018


EPL Monthly Report January 2019
EPL Monthly Report February 2019
EPL Monthly Report March 2019
EPL Monthly Report April 2019
EPL Monthly Report May 2019
EPL Monthly Report June 2019
EPL Monthly Report July 2019
EPL Monthly Report August 2019
EPL Monthly Report September 2019
EPL Monthly Report October 2019
EPL Monthly Report November 2019
EPL Monthly Report December 2019


EPL Monthly Report January 2020
EPL Monthly Report February 2020
EPL Monthly Report March 2020
EPL Monthly Report April 2020
EPL Monthly Report May 2020
EPL Monthly Report June 2020
EPL Monthly Report July 2020
EPL Monthly Report August 2020
EPL Monthly Report September 2020
EPL Monthly Report October 2020
EPL Monthly Report November 2020

EPL Monthly Report December 2020


EPL Monthly Report January 2021
EPL Monthly Report February 2021
EPL Monthly Report March 2021
EPL Monthly Report April 2021
EPL Monthly Report May 2021
EPL Monthly Report June 2021
EPL Monthly Report July 2021
EPL Monthly Report August 2021
EPL Monthly Report September 2021
EPL Monthly Report October 2021
EPL Monthly Report November 2021 
EPL Monthly Report December 2021


EPL Monthly Report January 2022
EPL Monthly Report February 2022
EPL Monthly Report March 2022
EPL Monthly Report April 2022
EPL Monthly Report May 2022
EPL Monthly Report June 2022
EPL Monthly Report July 2022
EPL Monthly Report August 2022
EPL Monthly Report September 2022
EPL Monthly Report October 2022
EPL Monthly Report November 2022
EPL Monthly Report December 2022


EPL Monthly Report January 2023
EPL Monthly Report February 2023
EPL Monthly Report March 2023
EPL Monthly Report April 2023
EPL Monthly Report May 2023
EPL Monthly Report June 2023
EPL Monthly Report July 2023
EPL Monthly Report August 2023
EPL Monthly Report September 2023
EPL Monthly Report October 2023
EPL Monthly Report November 2023
EPL Monthly Report December 2023


EPL Monthly Report January 2024

Wilpinjong Coal Mine Pollution Reduction Program - Assessment and Best Practice

Wheel Generated Dust Report (EPL condition U1)
Adverse Weather Report (EPL condition U2)
Ambient Air Monitoring Report (EPL condition E1)
Annual Dams Safety Standards Report 2021
Annual Dams Safety Standards Report 2022

2023 Water Trigger Exceedance report
Groundwater Trigger Investigation Report  


Wilpinjong Coal 2023 Annual Review 
Wilpinjong Coal 2023 Annual Rehabilitation Report


Appendix 1 - Rail Haulage
Appendix 2 - Exploration
Appendix 3A - Meteorological Monitoring
Appendix 3B - Air Quality Monitoring
Appendix 3C – Surface Water
Appendix 3D - Groundwater Monitoring
Appendix 3E - Blast Monitoring
Appendix 3F - Noise Monitoring
Appendix 3G - Waste Management
Appendix 4 – Land Management
Appendix 5 - Biodiversity
Appendix 6 - Community

Wilpinjong Coal 2022 Annual Review 


Appendix 1 - Rail Haulage
Appendix 2 - Exploration
Appendix 3A - Meteorological Monitoring
Appendix 3B - Air Quality Monitoring
Appendix 3C – Emergency Water Discharge
Appendix 3C – Surface Water
Appendix 3C – Surface Water Part A
Appendix 3C – Surface Water Part B
Appendix 3C – Surface Water Part C
Appendix 3C – Surface Water Part D
Appendix 3D - Groundwater Monitoring
Appendix 3E - Blast Monitoring
Appendix 3F - Noise Monitoring
Appendix 3G - Waste Management
Appendix 4 – Land Management
Appendix 5 - Biodiversity
Appendix 6 - Community
Appendix 7 - Plans
Appendix 8 – 2021 IEA update
Appendix 9 - Lighting

Wilpinjong Coal 2021 Annual Review 


Appendix 1 - Rail Haulage
Appendix 2 - Exploration
Appendix 3A - Meteorological Monitoring
Appendix 3B - Air Quality Monitoring
Appendix 3C - Surface Water Monitoring
Appendix 3D - Groundwater Monitoring
Appendix 3E - Blast Monitoring
Appendix 3F - Noise Monitoring
Appendix 3G - Waste Management
Appendix 4 - Heritage
Appendix 5 - Biodiversity
Appendix 6 - Community
Appendix 7 - Land Management
Appendix 8 - Plans
Appendix 9 - 2021 IEA

Wilpinjong Coal 2020 Annual Review 


Appendix 1 - Rail Haulage
Appendix 2 - Exploration
Appendix 3A - Meteorological Monitoring
Appendix 3B - Air Quality Monitoring
Appendix 3C - Surface Water Monitoring
Appendix 3D - Groundwater Monitoring
Appendix 3E - Blast Monitoring
Appendix 3F - Noise Monitoring
Appendix 3G - Waste Management
Appendix 4 - Heritage
Appendix 5 - Biodiversity
Appendix 6 - Community
Appendix 7 - Land Management
Appendix 8 - Plans

Wilpinjong Coal 2019 Annual Review 


Appendix 1 - Rail Haulage
Appendix 2 - Exploration
Appendix 3A - Meteorological Monitoring
Appendix 3B - Air Quality Monitoring
Appendix 3C - Surface Water Monitoring
Appendix 3D - Groundwater Monitoring
Appendix 3E - Blast Monitoring
Appendix 3F - Noise Monitoring
Appendix 3G - Waste Management
Appendix 4 - Heritage
Appendix 5 - Biodiversity
Appendix 6 - Community
Appendix 7 - Land Management
Appendix 8 - Plans

Wilpinjong Coal 2018 Annual Review 


Appendix 1 - Rail Haulage
Appendix 2 - Exploration
Appendix 3A - Meteorological Monitoring
Appendix 3B - Air Quality Monitoring
Appendix 3C - Surface Water Monitoring
Appendix 3D - Groundwater Monitoring
Appendix 3E - Blast Monitoring
Appendix 3F - Noise Monitoring
Appendix 3G - Waste Management
Appendix 4 - Heritage
Appendix 5 - Biodiversity
Appendix 6 - Community
Appendix 7 - Land Management
Appendix 8 - Plans
Appendix 9 – Independent Environmental Audit

Wilpinjong Coal 2017 Annual Review 


Appendix 1 - Rail Haulage
Appendix 2 - Exploration
Appendix 3A - Meteorological Monitoring
Appendix 3B - Air Quality Monitoring
Appendix 3C - Surface Water Monitoring
Appendix 3D - Groundwater Monitoring
Appendix 3E - Blast Monitoring
Appendix 3F - Noise Monitoring
Appendix 3G - Waste Management
Appendix 4 - Heritage
Appendix 5 - Biodiversity
Appendix 6 - Community
Appendix 7 - Land Management
Appendix 8 - Plans

Wilpinjong Coal 2016 Annual Review 


Appendix 1 - Rail Haulage
Appendix 2 - Exploration
Appendix 3A - Meteorological Monitoring
Appendix 3B - Air Quality Monitoring
Appendix 3C - Surface Water Monitoring
Appendix 3D - Groundwater Monitoring
Appendix 3E - Blast Monitoring
Appendix 3F - Noise Monitoring
Appendix 4 - Heritage
Appendix 5 - Biodiversity
Appendix 6 - Community
Appendix 7 - Land Management
Appendix 8 - Plans

Wilpinjong Coal 2015 Annual Review


Appendix 1 - Rail Haulage
Appendix 2 - Exploration
Appendix 3A - Meteorological Monitoring
Appendix 3B - Air Quality Monitoring
Appendix 3C - Surface Water Monitoring
Appendix 3D - Groundwater Monitoring
Appendix 3E - Blast Monitoring
Appendix 3F - Noise Monitoring
Appendix 4 - Heritage
Appendix 5 - Biodiversity
Appendix 6 - Community
Appendix 7 - Land Management
Appendix 8 - Plans

Wilpinjong 2014 Annual Review and Environmental Management Report


Appendix A - Attended Noise Monitoring Reports
January - February 2014
March - April 2014
May - June 2014
July - August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014
December 2014

Appendix B - Real Time Noise Monitoring Reports
January - March 2014
April - June 2014
July - September 2014
October - December 2014

Appendix C - Habitat Tree Register Summary
Location of Biodiversity Offset Area
Wilpinjong Habitat Trees 2008 - 2014

Appendix D - Summary of Exploration Drilling
2014 Exploration Drilling Summary

Appendix E - Air Quality Monitoring Results
2014 Dust Deposit Results
2014 TEOM Results
2014 TSP Results
Ambient Air Monitoring Report

Appendix F - Surface Water Monitoring Results
2014 Surface Water Monitoring Results

Appendix G - Wilpinjong and Cumbo Creek Stability Assessment
2014 Wilpinjong and Cumbo Creek Stability Assessment

Appendix H - Groundwater Results and Reports
2014 Groundwater Monitoring Results
2014 Independent Audit of Wilpinjong Groundwater Data
Wilpinjong Groundwater Audit Attachment

Appendix I - Blast Monitoring Results
2014 Blast Monitoring Results

Appendix J - Cultural Heritage Clearance Form
2014 Cultural Heritage Clearance Form

Appendix K - Wilpinjong Coal Mine Complaints Register
Community Complaints Register Summary - December 2014

Appendix L - Correspondence
Letter - Department of Planning and Environment - 2013 Approval
Letter - Department of Resources and Energy - 2013 AEMR Approval

Appendix M - Environment and Community Broad Brush Risk Assessment
Environment and Community Broad Brush Risk Assessment - July 2013

Appendix N - Figures
Wilpinjong 2014 Plan

Appendix O - Plans
Wilpinjong 2014 Plan 3
Wilpinjong 2014 Plan 4
Wilpinjong 2014 Plan 5
Wilpinjong 2014 Plan 6

Appendix P - Independent Environmental Audit
Wilpinjong 2014 Independent Environmental Audit

Appendix Q - Community Factsheets Newsletters
Wilpinjong Community Factsheet

Appendix R - Land Management
Wilpinjong Woody Weed Control - July 2014
Wilpinjong Woody Weed Control - November 2014

Appendix S - Resilience Method and Analysis
Resilience Method and Analysis

Appendix T - Resilience Mapping
Resilience Mapping

Wilpinjong 2013 Annual Review and Environmental Management Report


Appendix A - Stream Health Monitoring
Macroinvertebrate Report 2013

Appendix B - Attended Noise Monitoring Reports
January - February 2013
March - April 2013
May - June 2013
July - August 2013
September - October 2013
November - December 2013

Appendix C - Real Time Noise Monitoring Reports
January - March 2013
April - June 2013
July - September 2013
October - December 2013

Appendix D - Habitat Tree Register
Wilpinjong Habitat Trees 2008 - 2014
Location of Biodiversity Offset Areas

Appendix E - Rehabilitation Monitoring Report
Wilpinjong Rehabilitation Review 2013

Appendix F - Summary of Exploration Drilling
WCPL Exloration Drill Summary 2013

Appendix G - Air Quality Monitoring Results
Air Quality Monitoring Results 2013
Air Quality Monitoring Results TEOM Data 2013

Appendix H - Surface Water Monitoring Results
Surface Water Monitoring Results

Appendix I - Creek Stability Assessment
Wilpinjong and Cumbo Creek Stability Assessment 2012-2013

Appendix J - Groundwater Monitoring Results
Wilpinjong Groundwater Investigation Report
Groundwater Data 2013

Appendix K - Blast Monitoring Results
Blast Monitoring Results 2013

Appendix L - Cultural Heritage Clearance Forms
35 - Cultural Heritage Clearance Form
36 - Cultural Heritage Clearance Form
37 - Cultural Heritage Clearance Form
38 - Cultural Heritage Clearance Form
39 - Cultural Heritage Clearance Form
40 - Cultural Heritage Clearance Form
41 - Cultural Heritage Clearance Form

Appendix M - Complaints Register and Community Information Newsletters
Community Complaints Register Summary 2013
Wilpinjong Coal's Have a Chat
s75W Modification Newsletter

Appendix N - Correspondence
AEMR Acceptance Letter

Appendix O - BBRA
Broad Bush Risk Assessment July 2013

Appendix P - Figures
Blast Monitoring Locations
Blast Monitoring Locations - Wollar
Water Management System

Appendix Q - Plans
Proposed Mining Activities
Proposed Rehabilitation
Land Preparation

Wilpinjong 2012 Annual Review and Environmental Management Report-Part1

2011 Wilpinjong Coal Annual Environmental Management Report (AEMR) February 2012

    2011 Wilpinjong Coal AEMR Appendix A February 2012
    2011 Wilpinjong Coal AEMR Appendix B February 2012
    2011 Wilpinjong Coal AEMR Appendix C February 2012
    2011 Wilpinjong Coal AEMR Appendix D February 2012
    2011 Wilpinjong Coal AEMR Appendix E February 2012
    2011 Wilpinjong Coal AEMR Appendix F February 2012
    2011 Wilpinjong Coal AEMR Appendix G February 2012
    2011 Wilpinjong Coal AEMR Appendix H February 2012
    2011 Wilpinjong Coal AEMR Appendix I February 2012
    2011 Wilpinjong Coal AEMR Appendix J February 2012
    2011 Wilpinjong Coal AEMR Appendix K February 2012

Wilpinjong Coal AEMR 2010
Wilpinjong Coal AEMR 2009
Wilpinjong Coal AEMR 2008

Next Scheduled Blast Information

  Firing Date Firing Time Road & Rail Closure
P6_S34_GLB 29/06/2024 11:30 No
P6_S51_PS 29/06/2024 15:30 No
P6_S54_M4 04/07/2024 1530 No
P6_S51_A12 13/07/2024 1530 No
P6_S32_PS 13/07/2024 1530 Yes
P6_S28_A12 16/07/2024 1530 Yes
P8_S9_M4 20/07/2024 1530 Yes
P8_S10_PS 20/07/2024 1530 No
P6_S28_Multi 25/07/2024 1530 Yes
P6_S30_M4 29/07/2024 1530 Yes
Please note: this schedule may be subject to delays from production constraints or by unsuitable weather conditions on the day of the blast. Up to date blast times are available on the Wilpinjong Coal Blasting Hotline, 1800 649 783.

Community Consultative Committee (CCC) Information

Wilpinjong Coal CCC is run in accordance with NSW Planning and Infrastructure Guidelines for Establishing and Operating Community Consultative Committees for Mining Projects.

Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes June 2024
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2024
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes November 2023
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes September 2023
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes June 2023
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2023
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes November 2022
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes September 2022
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes June 2022
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2022
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes December 2021
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes October 2021
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Extra Ordinary meeting Minutes July 2021
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes June 2021
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2021

Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes November 2020
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes September 2020
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes June 2020
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2020
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes December 2019
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes September 2019
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes June 2019
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2019
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes December 2018
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes September 2018
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes June 2018
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee SIMP Consultation Minutes April 2018
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2018
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes December 2017
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes August 2017
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes May 2017
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes February 2017
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes December 2016
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes August 2016
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting May 2016 – Cancelled
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes February 2016
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes December 2015
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes September 2015
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes June 2015
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2015
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes December 2014
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes September 2014
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes June 2014
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2014
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes November 2013
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes September 2013
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes June 2013
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2013 
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes December 2012
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes September 2012
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes June 2012
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2012
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes November 2011
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes September 2011
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes June 2011
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2011
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes December 2010
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes September 2010
Wilpinjong Coal Community Consultative Committee Minutes March 2010

Annual Community Consultation Reports

Exploration Licence 6169
2021/2022 EL 6169 Report
2022/2023 EL 6169 Report

Exploration Licence 7091
2022/2023 EL 7091 Report
2023/2024 EL 7091 Report

Exploration Licence 9399
2022/2023 EL 9399 Report
2023/2024 EL 9399 Report

Wilpinjong "Have A Chat"

Wilpinjong "Have A Chat" dates for 2016
Wilpinjong "Have A Chat" dates for 2017
Wilpinjong "Have A Chat" dates for 2018
Wilpinjong "Have A Chat" dates for 2019
Wilpinjong "Have A Chat" dates for 2020
Wilpinjong "Have A Chat" dates for 2021
Wilpinjong "Have A Chat" dates for 2022
Wilpinjong "Have A Chat" dates for 2023
Wilpinjong "Have A Chat" dates for 2024

Community Complaint Register Summary - June 2024
Community Complaint Register Summary - May 2024
Community Complaint Register Summary - April 2024
Community Complaint Register Summary - March 2024
Community Complaint Register Summary - February 2024
Community Complaint Register Summary - January 2024
Community Complaint Register Summary - December 2023
Community Complaint Register Summary - November 2023
Community Complaint Register Summary - October 2023
Community Complaint Register Summary - September 2023
Community Complaint Register Summary - August 2023
Community Complaint Register Summary - July 2023
Community Complaint Register Summary - June 2023
Community Complaint Register Summary - May 2023
Community Complaint Register Summary - April 2023
Community Complaint Register Summary - March 2023
Community Complaint Register Summary - February 2023
Community Complaint Register Summary - January 2023
Community Complaint Register Summary - December 2022
Community Complaint Register Summary - November 2022
Community Complaint Register Summary - October 2022
Community Complaint Register Summary - September 2022
Community Complaint Register Summary - August 2022
Community Complaint Register Summary - July 2022
Community Complaint Register Summary - June 2022
Community Complaint Register Summary - May 2022
Community Complaint Register Summary - April 2022
Community Complaint Register Summary - March 2022
Community Complaint Register Summary - February 2022
Community Complaint Register Summary - January 2022
Community Complaint Register Summary - December 2021
Community Complaint Register Summary - November 2021
Community Complaint Register Summary - October 2021
Community Complaint Register Summary - September 2021
Community Complaint Register Summary - August 2021
Community Complaint Register Summary - July 2021
Community Complaint Register Summary - June 2021
Community Complaint Register Summary - May 2021
Community Complaint Register Summary - April 2021
Community Complaint Register Summary - March 2021
Community Complaint Register Summary - February 2021
Community Complaint Register Summary - January 2021
Community Complaint Register Summary - December 2020
Community Complaint Register Summary - November 2020
Community Complaint Register Summary - October 2020
Community Complaint Register Summary - September 2020
Community Complaint Register Summary - August 2020
Community Complaint Register Summary - July 2020
Community Complaint Register Summary - June 2020
Community Complaint Register Summary - May 2020
Community Complaint Register Summary - April 2020
Community Complaint Register Summary - March 2020
Community Complaint Register Summary - February 2020
Community Complaint Register Summary - January 2020
Community Complaint Register Summary - December 2019
Community Complaint Register Summary - November 2019
Community Complaint Register Summary - October 2019
Community Complaint Register Summary - September 2019
Community Complaint Register Summary - August 2019
Community Complaint Register Summary - July 2019
Community Complaint Register Summary - June 2019
Community Complaint Register Summary - May 2019
Community Complaint Register Summary - April 2019
Community Complaint Register Summary - March 2019
Community Complaint Register Summary - February 2019
Community Complaint Register Summary - January 2019
Community Complaint Register Summary - December 2018
Community Complaint Register Summary - November 2018
Community Complaint Register Summary - October 2018
Community Complaint Register Summary - September 2018
Community Complaint Register Summary - August 2018
Community Complaint Register Summary - July 2018
Community Complaint Register Summary - June 2018
Community Complaint Register Summary - May 2018
Community Complaint Register Summary - March 2018
Community Complaint Register Summary - February 2018
Community Complaint Register Summary - December 2017
Community Complaint Register Summary - November 2017
Community Complaint Register Summary - September 2017

Community Complaint Register Summary - â€‹July 2017
Community Complaint Register - 2023
Community Complaint Register - 2022
Community Complaint Register - 2021
Community Complaint Register - 2020
Community Complaint Register - 2019
Community Complaint Register - 2018
Community Complaint Register - 2017
Community Complaint Register - 2016
Community Complaint Register - 2015
Community Complaint Register - 2014

Peabody is a leading coal producer, providing essential products for the production of affordable, reliable energy and steel. Our commitment to sustainability underpins everything we do and shapes our strategy for the future.